Bungalow Resident Maintenance Responsibility Guide

Welcome to the Bungalow Resident Maintenance Responsibility Guide.

This guide serves as an introduction to the essential maintenance responsibilities you, as a resident, are expected to manage to maintain your home. We've created this resource to educate and set clear, upfront expectations about what tasks fall under your care. While this guide focuses on the most common responsibilities, this list is not exhaustive and does not cover every maintenance scenario or requirement. There may be other maintenance duties traditionally expected of residents that are not listed here.

General Maintenance Responsibilities

As a resident, addressing minor repairs in your home is part of maintaining a safe and functional living environment. This includes tasks such as tightening loose door handles or cabinet hinges, replacing batteries in doorbells, tightening or replacing loose outlet covers, and patching small nail holes in walls. Taking the initiative to manage these small issues not only helps keep your home in good condition but also prevents minor problems from escalating into major repairs that could incur significant costs. While Bungalow is available to assist with more complex maintenance issues, residents are encouraged to handle these basic repairs as part of their day-to-day home care. If you're unsure about how to fix a minor issue or if attempting a repair could potentially lead to damage, it's important to reach out to Bungalow for guidance before proceeding.

We recognize that there may be instances where you need assistance and we're happy to provide instructions or troubleshooting steps. If you find yourself unable to repair or replace items on your own, you can also submit a maintenance request for Bungalow to handle the issue on your behalf. Keep in mind that any expenses related to labor and materials for repairs or replacements will be billed to your account.

Essential Maintenance Tools and Supplies

Being prepared for routine maintenance in your home not only empowers you to tackle common tasks with ease but also helps in maintaining the condition of your living space. We recommend keeping a basic set of tools and supplies on hand.

Basic Tools

This should include a versatile screwdriver set (both flathead and Phillips), a sturdy hammer, pliers, an adjustable wrench for tightening or loosening nuts and bolts, a tape measure, a utility knife for precision cutting, and a reliable ladder tall enough to safely reach high places in your home. A plunger and a drain snake are also essential for clearing blockages.

Other Supplies

It's wise to invest in some essential safety and protective gear to ensure you're prepared for any task. This includes durable gloves to protect your hands during repairs and cleaning, safety glasses to shield your eyes from debris, and a dust mask for projects that may generate airborne particles.

Wall anchors, picture hanging kits, and furniture sliders will help in decorating your space without damaging walls or floors. Don’t forget to have duct tape and WD-40 for quick fixes, a flashlight and batteries for emergencies, and spare light bulbs to keep your home bright and welcoming.

Additionally, a basic selection of cleaning supplies, including a sturdy multi-purpose bucket, multi-surface cleaner, sponges, and rags, will be invaluable for maintaining cleanliness.

Equipping your home with these essential tools and supplies will prepare you to efficiently handle minor repairs and maintenance tasks, ensuring a comfortable, safe, and well-maintained living environment.

Buying or Replacing Light Bulbs

As a Bungalow resident, you are responsible for purchasing and replacing all light bulbs within your home as needed. This includes identifying when a bulb has burned out and ensuring its timely replacement to maintain a well-lit and safe living environment. If you need guidance on how to replace specialty or hard-to-reach bulbs, please reach out to our maintenance team for assistance.

Air Filters

Residents are responsible for purchasing and replacing the air filters in their homes on a routine basis. Regular replacement of air filters prevents the accumulation of dust, which can not only degrade air quality but also may strain the HVAC system. We recommend replacing your air filters at least every three months to ensure the efficiency of the HVAC system and maintain indoor air quality. Failure to replace air filters as required can also lead to higher utility bills and the need for costly repairs or replacements to the HVAC system. Residents may be charged for any repairs or replacements needed as a result of negligence in maintaining clean air filters.

Drain Maintenance

It’s important to maintain the drains in your home to prevent clogs and ensure smooth operation. Regular cleaning of sinks, showers, and bathtub drains is required to avoid blockages that can lead to plumbing issues. We recommend using hair catchers in shower and bathtub drains to minimize the chance of clogs. Additionally, avoid pouring grease, coffee grounds, and non-biodegradable materials down the kitchen sink. If you encounter a slow-moving or clogged drain, please attempt to clear it with a drain snake, plunger, or a biodegradable drain cleaner before submitting a maintenance request. Taking these proactive steps helps maintain a healthy plumbing system and prevents the need for more extensive and costly repairs.

Sink, Faucet, and Shower Head Maintenance

Maintaining the cleanliness and functionality of sinks, tubs, faucets, and shower heads in your home is essential for ensuring their longevity and preventing potential damage. Hard water buildup, which appears as white, chalky deposits, can significantly impair the performance of your plumbing fixtures, leading to reduced water flow, clogged shower heads, and the deterioration of their appearance. To combat this, it's necessary to regularly clean to remove hard water buildup. Utilize cleaning agents specifically designed to address lime and mineral deposits, and consider installing water softeners if hard water is prevalent in your area. Additionally, it's important to routinely inspect faucets and shower heads for leaks or clogs and report any issues to Bungalow promptly to prevent further damage and conserve water.

Battery Replacement for Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

It is the responsibility of residents to regularly check these devices and replace the batteries at least once a year, or whenever the low-battery signal sounds. This simple step is crucial for keeping these life-saving devices operational and ensuring your living environment is safe from unseen dangers like fires and carbon monoxide leaks. We also recommend testing these detectors monthly to verify they are working correctly. For any issues that cannot be resolved through battery replacement or if the device appears to be malfunctioning, please contact maintenance immediately for further assistance.

Smart Lock Battery Replacement

For Bungalow homes equipped with smart locks, regular battery replacement is important to prevent unexpected lockouts and ensure the lock operates efficiently. A smart lock with low or dead batteries can fail to unlock, leaving you without access to your home or compromising your home's security.

Not all Bungalow homes feature smart locks, but if your residence does, here's how to replace the batteries:

  1. Use a small Phillips-Head screwdriver to remove the lock cover, typically found on the back of the Smartlock.

  2. Take out the old AA batteries and insert 4 new AA batteries into the designated slots.

  3. Reattach the lock cover by screwing it back into place over the new batteries.

  4. Wait a few minutes to allow the lock to complete its reset and processing.

Pest Prevention

As a resident, you play an important role in preventing pest infestations through regular housekeeping and proactive measures. Ensure food is stored in sealed containers and avoid leaving it out, which can attract pests. Regularly dispose of garbage and seal any gaps or cracks in walls, around windows, and doors to deter pests from entering your home. Reducing clutter can help eliminate potential hiding spots for pests. Regular cleaning, especially in areas prone to moisture, such as kitchens and bathrooms, also prevents the conditions that attract pests.

We encourage all residents to promptly report any signs of pests and to cooperate with preventive measures. By working together, we can ensure a comfortable and pest-free living environment for everyone. If you suspect a pest issue in your home, immediately document the signs of infestation, such as droppings, damage to property, or the pests themselves, and report these findings to Bungalow as soon as possible.

If a pest problem arises due to conditions within your control, such as improper storage of food, inadequate disposal of trash, or bringing infested items into the home, you may be financially responsible for the cost of pest control services needed to address the issue.

Vent Cleaning

Maintaining the cleanliness of your home's vents, including those for your dryer, bathroom, and kitchen, is essential for air quality, energy efficiency, and safety. Failure to regularly clear lint and debris from these vents can lead to decreased performance of heating, cooling, and ventilation systems, and in some cases, pose a significant fire hazard. It's important to clean your dryer's lint trap after each use and ensure the external vent is unobstructed. For kitchen and bathroom vents, periodic dusting and debris removal will keep them functioning properly.

Improperly maintained vents may require professional cleaning or repairs due to damages, blockages, or significantly reduced efficiency. By staying on top of vent maintenance, you not only ensure a safer and more comfortable living environment but also avoid potential charges for professional services needed to address problems resulting from poor upkeep.

Thermostat Battery Replacement

It's important to regularly check your thermostat and replace its batteries as needed, typically once a year or when you notice the low battery indicator. This simple task can prevent unexpected disruptions in your home's temperature control and contribute to energy efficiency. If your thermostat stops working correctly, it can also lead to increased energy costs due to heating and cooling systems not operating as intended. Regular battery checks and replacements ensure your thermostat operates reliably, keeping your living space comfortable and your energy bills in check.

Mold Prevention

You are responsible for minimizing the risk of mold growth by controlling humidity levels, ensuring proper ventilation, and promptly addressing any water leaks or spills. It's important to use exhaust fans in bathrooms during and after showers, keep the kitchen ventilated while cooking, and use a dehumidifier in damp areas if necessary. Regularly cleaning and drying wet areas, especially around showers, sinks, and windows, can significantly reduce the potential for mold to develop. Should you notice signs of mold or excessive moisture, it's imperative to report these issues to Bungalow immediately to allow for swift remediation measures. Ignoring mold signs can lead to health issues and potential charges for remediation, especially if the issue is exacerbated by neglect.

Fridge Filters

Residents are tasked with replacing the filters in their refrigerators to ensure the appliance operates efficiently and continues to provide clean, filtered water. Not every refrigerator is equipped with a water filter, but for those that are, periodic replacement is crucial for optimal performance. To find the specific replacement instructions for your refrigerator model, we recommend looking up your model online. Most manufacturers offer digital manuals or instructional videos on their websites, providing clear, model-specific guidance for replacing the filter.

Damage and Repair Responsibilities

As a resident, it is your responsibility to ensure proper care and usage of all items and fixtures within your home. This encompasses everything from appliances and furniture to structural elements like doors and windows. Regular maintenance and careful handling are essential to prevent damage and extend the lifespan of these items. Equally important is the timely reporting of any damages or maintenance issues to Bungalow. Prompt communication allows for swift action to repair or address the problem, potentially preventing minor issues from escalating into major repairs that could incur significant costs or impact your living environment negatively.

Delayed reporting not only risks exacerbating the problem but may also lead to more extensive and expensive repairs. In some cases, failing to promptly report damages can result in you being held financially responsible for the full extent of the repair work needed, especially if the delay in reporting contributes to the severity of the issue. By taking an active role in caring for your home and promptly reporting any concerns, you help maintain a safe, functional, and welcoming living space for yourself and others, while potentially avoiding unnecessary financial burdens.

Water Leak Monitoring

As part of your responsibilities as a resident, it's essential to actively monitor for water leaks within your home to safeguard against water damage. This means regularly inspecting under sinks, around toilets, near water heaters, and other potential sources of water to catch any leaks early on. Promptly reporting these issues helps prevent the escalation of damage, which can lead to expensive repairs, mold growth, and structural problems. While Bungalow may conduct routine maintenance checks, your vigilance in identifying and reporting leaks plays a vital role in maintaining the property's integrity. Failure to do so can result in you being financially responsible for not only the repairs needed to fix the leak but also for any additional damage caused by delayed reporting, including mold remediation and damage to the property’s infrastructure. Early detection and communication are key to preventing such outcomes, ensuring a healthy living environment, and avoiding potential charges for extensive repairs.

Structural Damage

It's important to understand your role in preventing structural damage to your home. This includes being mindful of activities that could harm the integrity of the property, such as hanging heavy items that could damage walls or neglecting leaks that might weaken structural components. If structural damage occurs, it's imperative to report it to Bungalow immediately. Early reporting not only facilitates timely repairs but also helps mitigate further damage that could escalate repair costs and impact the safety and comfort of your living environment. Neglecting to address or inform Bungalow of structural damage arising from misuse or lack of care can lead to the resident being accountable for the expenses involved in the necessary repairs. Your diligence in maintaining and reporting issues directly supports the ongoing safety and quality of the home.

Appliance Damage and Misuse

You are entrusted with the proper care and use of the appliances provided in your home. It is essential to adhere to the manufacturer's guidelines for operation and maintenance to prevent damage and ensure the appliances serve their intended purpose efficiently. Misuse or neglect of these appliances, such as overloading a washing machine, improper cleaning of the oven, or neglecting refrigerator maintenance, can lead to malfunctions or damage that not only inconvenience you but could also be costly to repair. In instances where appliance damage results from misuse or neglect, the financial responsibility for repairs or replacement may fall on you.

Reporting issues as soon as they arise, even if they are a result of misuse, allows for the possibility of quicker, potentially less expensive solutions. By taking responsibility for the appliances in your care and using them as intended, you help ensure their longevity, maintain a higher standard of living in your home, and avoid the risk of incurring additional costs for repairs or replacements.

Plumbing Damage and Misuse

Maintaining the plumbing system in your home requires a conscientious approach to avoid damages that can lead to significant repair costs and disruptions. It's important to use all plumbing fixtures and drains responsibly, avoiding actions that can cause blockages or damage. This includes not disposing of inappropriate items down toilets or drains, such as sanitary products, grease, and non-biodegradable materials, which can lead to clogs and serious plumbing issues. Additionally, promptly reporting any leaks, drips, or other signs of plumbing distress is crucial for preventing further damage and conserving water. Should plumbing damage or issues arise from misuse or neglect, you may be held financially responsible for the costs of repair or remediation needed to resolve the problem. Adhering to best practices for plumbing care and immediately reporting any concerns supports the continuous operation and efficiency of the home's plumbing system.

Cosmetic Damages

While normal wear and tear is expected over time, significant cosmetic damage caused by negligence or misuse falls under your responsibility to address and rectify. This encompasses a variety of precautions and actions: during moving, use furniture protectors to avoid surface scratches on floors and walls; prevent or repair scuffs or holes in walls; clean spills promptly to prevent stains on carpets, flooring, or furniture; and manage items and activities that could lead to door damage, such as avoiding scratches, dents, or creating holes in doors, and ensuring locks and handles are not mistreated. Additionally, attention should be paid to preventing floor damage like scratches, stains, or gouges in hardwood floors, carpeting, or tiles, which can result from furniture movement, spills, or pet accidents. Unauthorized alterations, such as painting walls in non-approved colors or adding fixtures without permission, can also be considered beyond normal wear and tear. Should cosmetic damages arise from resident action or inaction and exceed what is considered normal wear and tear, you may be held accountable for the costs of necessary repairs or cleaning to restore the property's condition. Adopting proactive measures, including regular cleaning, careful handling of household items, and conducting minor touch-ups, plays a crucial role in mitigating the risk of incurring additional charges for cosmetic damage repairs, thus maintaining the property's condition and structural integrity.

Blinds, Curtains, and Furnishings

You are responsible for treating the provided blinds, curtains, and furniture with care to avoid damage. These items improve the comfort and aesthetic of your home but are susceptible to damage through improper use or neglect. It's important to operate blinds and curtains gently to prevent tearing or breaking mechanisms and to use furnishings in a manner that respects their structure and material. For example, avoid pulling curtains with excessive force or sitting on furniture in ways it was not designed to support. Damage to these items, whether it's bent blinds, torn curtains, or broken furniture, that goes beyond normal wear and tear will likely result in charges for repair or replacement. Promptly reporting accidental damage can sometimes mitigate these costs, as early intervention may allow for repairs instead of full replacements. By maintaining these items properly, you help ensure they continue to enhance your living space and avoid potential costs associated with damage repair or replacement.

Window Damage

It's essential to handle windows with care to avoid damage that can compromise the safety and insulation of your home. Window damage can range from cracked or broken panes to damaged frames and torn screens, often resulting from accidents, neglect, or improper use. You are responsible for reporting any window damage promptly to ensure swift repairs and maintain the property's security and energy efficiency. Should window damage occur due to resident negligence or misuse, such as forcefully opening or closing windows, hitting the glass with objects, or failing to secure windows during adverse weather conditions, you may be financially liable for the repair or replacement costs. Taking preventative measures, such as using window locks correctly, avoiding placing heavy objects near windows, and ensuring that windows are properly secured, can significantly reduce the risk of damage. By maintaining vigilance and care for your home's windows, you contribute to the overall well-being of the living environment and avoid potential repair costs associated with window damage.

Home Fixtures

Maintaining the integrity and functionality of home fixtures is a key responsibility for residents to ensure the continued comfort and usability of their living space. This includes careful use and upkeep of bathroom fixtures, light fixtures, and cabinets throughout the home. Damage to these fixtures, such as cracked or chipped sinks, bathtubs, toilets, broken light fixtures or fittings, damaged switches, or issues with cabinet hinges, handles, and surfaces, can significantly impact the aesthetic appeal and practical function of your residence. It's important to report any damages or issues with these fixtures promptly to allow for necessary repairs or replacements. Residents may be held financially responsible for repairs or replacements due to damages that arise from negligence or misuse, such as forcing cabinets closed, applying excessive force to light switches, or causing avoidable impacts to bathroom fixtures. By treating these fixtures with care and attention, you help preserve the quality of your living environment and avoid potential charges for fixture repairs or replacements, ensuring these essential components of your home remain in good working order for the duration of your stay.

Exterior Damage

Your responsibility extends beyond the interior of your home to include the care and preservation of its exterior. This encompasses preventing damage to siding, fences, landscaping, and other outdoor features. Exterior damage can occur through neglect, improper use, or failure to report potential hazards, such as loose shingles, damaged gutters, or broken fence panels. It's crucial to promptly report any issues or damages that could affect the property's structural integrity or value. If exterior damage results from resident actions or negligence, such as damaging the siding while moving furniture, neglecting to secure items that could harm the landscape during storms, or causing breakage to fences, you may be financially accountable for the necessary repairs or replacements. Proactively maintaining the exterior of your home by ensuring it remains clean, secure, and well-kept not only contributes to the property's overall curb appeal but also prevents potential safety hazards. By taking responsibility for both the prevention and reporting of exterior damages, you play a vital role in maintaining the property's value and ensuring a pleasant living environment for yourself and the community.

Pet and ESA-Related Damages

It is important to ensure that both pets and Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) are cared for and managed in a way that prevents damage to the property. While pets and ESAs provide companionship and support, they can also inadvertently cause damage to floors, walls, furniture, and other aspects of the home through scratches, chewing, or accidents. It is your responsibility to minimize and address any such damages promptly. This includes taking preventive measures such as using pet-proof covers on furniture, maintaining regular grooming to reduce scratching damage, and ensuring that any accidents are cleaned immediately to prevent stains or odors.

Should damage occur as a result of actions by pets or ESAs, residents may be required to cover the costs of repairs or cleaning needed to restore the property's condition. Prompt reporting of any damage allows for quicker resolution, potentially reducing the extent and cost of repairs.

By actively working to prevent pet and ESA-related damages and addressing any issues as they arise, you contribute to maintaining a comfortable and well-cared-for living environment. This proactive approach ensures that the space remains enjoyable for everyone and helps avoid potential repair costs associated with pet or ESA damage.

Lost or Damaged Keys, Fobs, and Remotes

Managing and safeguarding your keys, fobs, and remotes is essential for maintaining access and security to your home and community facilities. Misplacing or damaging these items can not only inconvenience you but also compromise the security of the property. It is your responsibility to promptly report any loss or damage of keys, fobs, or remotes to Bungalow to ensure timely replacement or repair. You are responsible for costs associated with replacing or repairing lost or damaged keys, fobs, and remotes.

Refusal of Service or Service No Longer Needed

If a resident refuses a scheduled maintenance service upon the technician's arrival, or if the service is no longer needed but not canceled at least 24 hours in advance, you may be charged for the cost of the service and the applicable rescheduling fee. This policy is in place to ensure the efficient use of our maintenance resources and to respect the time of our dedicated technicians and vendors. We understand that circumstances change and sometimes a previously reported issue may resolve itself or become unnecessary; however, timely communication is required. Notifying us in advance of any changes to your service needs helps us maintain an effective and responsive maintenance schedule, and allows us to better serve you and the entire Bungalow community. We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to this policy, ensuring that all residents and homeowners have access to prompt and effective maintenance services when they are truly needed.

Special Considerations

Coliving Vacant Rooms

In our coliving community, it is essential to respect the policy regarding vacant rooms. Rooms that become vacant due to outgoing residents must be left empty and are not to be utilized for additional storage, extended living areas, or any other activities. This policy ensures that each room can be prepared and presented in its best condition for future residents, maintaining the quality and comfort of our living spaces for everyone. Misuse of vacant rooms, including the storage of personal belongings or conducting activities within these spaces, will result in charges being applied for any necessary damages, junk removal, or cleaning services required to restore the room to its original state. Adhering to this policy helps us uphold a respectful and considerate coliving environment, where all residents can enjoy shared spaces harmoniously and new members are welcomed into a clean and inviting home.

Temporary Room or Home Alterations

When personalizing your living space within our community, it's important to remember that any temporary alterations, including the installation of keyed bedroom locks, must be reversed, and the property must return to its original condition upon move-out.

When considering any alterations or enhancements to your living space for increased comfort, privacy, or aesthetics, it's important to be aware that all modifications must be reversible, with the home returned to its original condition upon your move-out. This encompasses a wide range of potential changes, from aesthetic updates to functional enhancements. Please be advised that the costs associated with the installation, maintenance, and eventual removal or restoration of these modifications will be your responsibility. We urge residents to carefully evaluate the implications of any home alterations and to communicate with Bungalow before proceeding. Adhering to this policy ensures that our living spaces remain consistent, secure, and inviting for every member of our community, upholding the high standards of our shared environment and facilitating a seamless transition for future residents.

Personal Appliances or Property

While you're encouraged to personalize your living space with personal appliances, including window AC units, portable heaters, fans, and kitchen gadgets, the maintenance and repair of these items are solely your responsibility. Bungalow is available to assist with property-owned fixtures and appliances, but we cannot service personal property. This policy ensures that our maintenance efforts remain focused on the upkeep of the infrastructure and amenities provided in homes managed by Bungalow. Should your personal appliances require repair or maintenance, we encourage you to contact a qualified professional who specializes in the specific type of appliance.